How To Prepare Your Body For Surrogacy Or IVF Transfer

If you are a surrogate or planning for IVF transfer, here are my personal tips to get your body in the best place physically to become pregnant and be healthy for embaby: (Note: some of these I have tried and they didn’t help, but some did. I am sharing these based on what I have heard to work or what I feel personally worked for me.)

1. Stay active. Keep your body moving as good blood flow to the uterus helps!

2. Stay positive! Don’t sweat the small stuff, get outside, and get some vitamin D. Accept help. Get a babysitter and plan something fun to do or grab lunch with a friend! All of this helps keep your stress levels low which is so important.

3. Follow the doctors protocol and med cycle and stay organized. Staying organized helps get into a routine with meds, appointments, life and helps you know what to expect! And leads to less stress :)

4. Trust the process, try not to stress to help keep your hormones regulated!

5. Try prepping some healthy snacks like chicken, fresh fruits, cooked veggies or low carb, no sugar options! Staying healthy helps you feel better and helps you start off pregnancy on the right foot!

6. Stay hydrated! Drink water and avoid caffeine because it can make you anxious before transfer! (have a full bladder at transfer!)

7. Know that most of it is out of our control! Remember not to compare your experience to others because this is your journey, not theirs. Every journey is different, every clinic and protocol is different.

Things that are said to help: Brazil nuts, pomegranate juice, pineapple juice, a funny movie (keep good spirits up) and fuzzy socks for warm feet during transfer!

If you want to learn more about the surrogacy process watch here! Please always consult your doctors for personal recommendations and protocol.

I hope this helped!


Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.